With the effects of the pandemic waning, Consumer Packaged Goods organizations must maintain a mindset of innovation and growth – but they should also reflect on the areas where they were left exposed, and take steps to make their operations even more resilient.
In this four-stage webinar series, we will be exploring how CPG companies can use advanced planning methods to turn the data they have into the actionable insights needed to succeed and drive better decision-making throughout the business.

How CPG Companies Can Connect Strategy and Execution through Integrated Business Planning
Integrated Business Planning (IBP) is a cross-functional, collaborative planning process designed to obtain firm-wide consensus and establish future direction on one single operating plan. In the first step of our webinar series, we will explore how IBP enables the synchronization of all functions within and outside CPG organizations – including customers and suppliers – in order to allocate resources in the most efficient way and ensure full alignment with strategic objectives.

Achieve Integrated Trade Promotions and Product Portfolio Management
The product is key for CPG companies to reach all business targets and defend vital market share. Innovation must be then carefully planned in order to respect timing and objectives and considered as a “project” with milestones and collaboration between teams.
Promotions management is the foundation of demand planning. The planning tools must be able to provide actionable insights on the past results of the sales actions and to forecast the possible uplifts of future campaigns. Join us in episode 2 to find out more!

Increase Product Availability and Improve Profitability through Better Demand Planning
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Demand planning is the linchpin of the Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) cycle. Once determined, the product offer is key to carefully assessing all the demand coming from all the channels. In episode 3, we will explore how a combination of predictive analytics and strategic inputs by the different planners involved can enable CPG companies to reach the ultimate goal of striking a balance between sufficient inventory levels to meet customer needs, without having a surplus.

Emerge Stronger from Demand-Supply disruption through a Smarter S&OP Strategy
An effective S&OP cycle allows CPG organizations to carefully match demand planning’s requirements and targets with the supply chain capabilities, starting from the distribution network – all the way down to production facilities. The real value of this planning process stands in the collaboration among the different “players” of the supply chain “game” to reach a consensus. Join us in our final episode to discover how this translates into the need for advanced analytics and powerful simulation capabilities so CPG companies can develop quick alternatives scenarios and immediately evaluating the different trade-offs.